Saturday, March 3, 2012

So, i've challenged myself to go raw vegan for a couple weeks (right now I have a terrible terrible junky diet). I was wondering if anyone knew of any good books I can read before hand so I can make sure I do things right and get all the nutrition I need. Any other tips are cool too!|||For starter recipes, nothing beats "Raw Food Made Easy" by Jennifer Cornbleet. For basic recipes and all sorts of information related to raw food, get "The Complete Book of Raw Food" by Julie Rodwell and Lori Baird.

Since raw foodists' digestive systems function quite efficiently, they absorb more nutrients from the foods they eat. Take a B-12, and you should be fine. Besides, no nutritional deficit is likely to manifest in just a few weeks.

Tip: At first, carry some raw cashews or a Lara Bar with you at all times, for cravings. Make sure you consume enough fat. Think you're craving protein? Eat half an avocado- it goes away.

Good luck!|||Well I became a raw vegan yesterday after being a pescetarian for 6 months and after that a full vegetarian for 8 months and it's incredibly great.

I had a banana for breakfast. 2 Apples for lunch. A strawberry smoothie with a bunch of almonds for snacky time. A few bowls of salad with all the raw veggies you could imagine.

It's amazing and my motivation is that I'm sick of America being so dam fat. I hate that America doesn't take care of itself. And I don't want to be the typical not only fat but unhealthy american. I've been an a natural healthy "obsession" lately. I've literally gotten into fights over health issues and I'm incredibly motivated over this. |||Two books I would recommend are: The Complete Book of Raw Food, edited by Lori Baird and Ani's Raw Food Kitchen by Ani Phyo|||This site will give you much of that and also recommend great reading etc:


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