Saturday, March 3, 2012

also, how does veganism positively affect..
-the body
-your pocket
-animals/animal production
-the environment

the opposing negative perspectives towards the following above are welcomed also

thxx so much :)|||Im answering in the same order you posted the questions.
-Im assuming you dont want the anti-meat argument, since you asked for vegan and not vegetarian- Milk, not only inferior right off the bat to my favorite vegan "milk" (hemp milk), has been linked to numerous ailments. If you want the details, I recommend "Skinny *****", but in short, its linked to cancer, acne, blah blah blah. Not to mention, it doesnt really have any benefits. It has less calcium than hemp milk, and the high protein content of milk actually strips your bones of calcium (!!!This means that the more you get your calcium from dairy, the more damage youre actually doing!!!) I never liked eggs, so I never looked up any anti-egg arguments, sorry.
-You buy less processed foods, and use more fresh ingredients (this also relates to the health thing, but I decided to be a "Debby Downer" and list negatives of non-veganism, rather than positives, since its pretty self explanatory-no known bad stuff, unless you want to believe protein only comes from animals). Fresh foods cost less than nasty processed foods, so your wallet and body will be happy. I actually try to buy all organic, so the price difference sometimes comes out more expensive, but you dont have to buy organic (though you might want to look into some foods that should always be bought organic).
-Contrary to popular naive belief, cows do not "need to be milked to stay alive". They are artificially impregnated, then the baby cow is taken away to be veal, and the cow is milked until the process is restarted. In the wild, cows stop producing milk when the baby stops drinking; they do not get infected or any other dairy industy "we're all about the cows!" propagandra. Chickens are subjected to fake daylight/shading in order for them to produce unnatural amounts of eggs, and beaks are routinely chopped off so that when the stress gets too much, they dont attack workers.
-Being a vegan does more environmental impact than anything else; you could drive a hummer, live by yourself in a huge mansion with the lights turned on all the time, have a private jet, anything you want. Why? Because in order to produce one pound of meat, you need ten pounds of grain. So, if there was someone who ate only meat (and Im sure theres not very many, but for the sake of understanding), you use ten times less food.|||-veganism positively affects your body because you're not pumping genetically manufactured/chemically engineered crap into it. you'll have more energy, your moods will improve, the overall well being of your body will increase.
-if you stick to fruits and vegetables, veganism is relatively light on your pocket. but be it as it may, things like vegan cheese and more "dairy" like products and meat substitutes can get costly. which is, of course, to be assumed because anything that's even remotely good for you will cost you.
-well, you're not eating animals or any by-products so it has to be a good thing. as far as animal production goes, i don't believe that animals will ever stop being butchered for our own sick sake but any little bit helps.
-less trash out there if you're eating vegetables and fruits--the peels are biodegradable so if you have a garden, use it as compost! if you have a vegetable garden, you can provide for yourself, which is always a good thing. going to farmers markets and supporting local farmers encourages a stable economic "grassroot" environment. i've also found that meat makes me really gassy so less meat equals less methane emissions that supposedly deplete the ozone!|||The body:

No cholesterol in plants. A vegan diet is thought to be of particular benefit to those with a history of cancer and heart disease in the family.

Your pocket:

You don't need to buy meat, which is expensive. You will likely also consume less dairy substitutes compares to the amount of dairy non-vegans would.


No animal slaughter, cruelty or exploitation.


Animal farming contributes 1/5 of the world's carbon emissions. Over-fishing is damaging to marine environments and endangered species.

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