Friday, February 3, 2012

Anyone?|||Vegetarianism is a diet.Vegetarians do not consume meat or slaughter by products such as gelatin and rennet.A vegetarian diet consist of fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds with or without the use of dairy products and/or eggs.

Veganism is a lifestyle which seeks to diminish the individuals contribution towards animal exploitation.Vegans do not consume meat, slaughter by products as well as animal by products such as eggs, milk and honey.Vegans abstain from the use of leather, wool,fur, silk as well as other animal skins.Additionally, vegans refrain from using anything animal derived and products tested on animals.Vegans avoid all animal derived products to the most practical extents.|||vegetarianism is kind of like a wannabe vegan. vegans don't eat or use any animal products. vegetarians may eat milk and eggs even though milk and eggs comes from animals that were probably treated more horribly and for a more prolonged time than animals used for meat so they're still contributing to animal suffering.

Theoretically, milk and eggs can be harvested in a humane manner but then so can meat. Just because it isn't flesh doesn't mean it's ok!|||Veganism is a diet and lifestyle in which you don't eat / use animals, animal products, etc. unlike Vegetarians who may eat eggs or drink milk. You could say that in a way Vegan is a stricter Vegetarian.
Vegetarians - No meat
Veganism - No use / consummation of animal products.

they focus on plant foods

By the way as a side note, fruitarianism is a diet and lifestyle where you don't eat anything that harms anything living which includes plants. You may ask how do they do this? eating only fruits or what falls or would fall naturally from a plant, foods that can be harvested without killing or harming the plant. Some don't even eat grains, seeds, etc.

Interesting stuff.|||Vegans are more annoying than vegetarians. Not only do they make a personal choice about their lifestyle, they try to shove it down the throat (no pun intended) of everyone around them.|||Vegans don't consume or wear any animal products.

Vegetarians can eat eggs, milk, fish and honey and wear animal products.


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