Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So i'm 14 and don't care to have a kid anytime within the next 6 years of my life but say you're vegan and want to raise your kid that way, is breast feeding against the rules? :P

just curious :)|||Of course not! Vegans refrain from eating animals and animal by aren't eventually going to be slaughtered so it's fine! I mean what else will you feed your baby with hmm?And the fact that you are vegan means that your milk will also be vegan because you are not consuming non vegan foods :P Breast feeding is also very healthy for babies because it gives them the fat and protein and such that they need to grow want develop|||I don't think so because human breast milk is ment for human babies. And that is what milk is for. The main reason that vegans don't consume milk from cows is because it's for cows, not people. So, I think that it would be morally okay for vegans to breastfeed. Also, if you are raising your child vegan, you should for sure breast feed because babies need a lot of nutrients as well as fat and calcium. But yeah, I think it would be fine just beause the mother feeding the baby would choose to do it herself, instead of having it sucked off by a machine against her will and the breast milk is being used for it's intended perpose.|||No. What being a vegan means is that you don't eat/use any animal products and although as a species we are technically animals, there is no problem with breast-feeding a baby because that is what we're meant to do. It has never even occurred to me that breast-feeding might not be allowed on a vegan diet because it does not involve in any way any kind of exploitation or mistreatment of another animal.|||haha. LOL. that is quite an interesting question. but the answer is NO. it is not against the rules. Vegans choose not to eat any foods that bring harm to animals, by giving your child breast milk, it is not causing harm to you as a person. Also, although you might be a vegan and not eat things produced from animals, you child is not.|||no,it is not wrong.
We are mammals!
That is healthy.

I read an article where a couple fed their baby nothing but soy milk and the baby died from starvation.
It makes me so mad. It is one thing to put yourself on a diet and have morals. It is another thing to be a moron. Sorry, that article upset me lol.

Ps. it isnt breaking the rules because breast milk from a human is not a product that causes suffering to animals.|||The reason vegans (most or some anyway) don't drink milk is because the milk taken from a cow (or goat etc..) is meant for it's baby not for humans. Same with a woman's breast milk. her breast milk is meant for her baby so of course she can breast feed her child.|||I've heard this before. Mother's milk is SUPPOSED to be consumed by the baby. Why on earth would you think it's wrong? It's completely natural and good for the baby. I swear, I just don't understand you guys.|||Vegans are fine with feeding their baby breast milk from a willing mother or even a willing human donor. They would not feed their baby breast milk from an unwilling captive slave forced to produce milk.|||NO it's totally suitable for vegans and their babies. If any vegan or vegetarian thinks breast-feeding is wrong, they are terribly misguided.|||Vegans are mammals, and mammals breast feed their young. No one is getting exploited or abused, untill the kid gets teeth anyway. :-)|||no, silly. vegans don't use animals for their milk, meat, etc.So breastfeeding your child doesn't involve harming animals...|||Not at all. If you familiarize yourself with the definition of vegan you'd know why not.|||NO

vegans ~want~ everyone to breast feed. It's best for the child. Even if you're not vegan ~always~ breastfeed.|||no its not an animals milk its yours.|||no


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