Friday, February 3, 2012

Once my friend decided to become vegan, she gradually became more difficult to stand. Firstly she joined Peta2 which I won't even go into... Then it was just little things like, in ballet she was playing with someone's shoes and said, "Wait, is this leather? Ew...I touched it!" and made a face like she was going to be sick. When we were watching the movie Happy Feet, there was a part when the lost penguin was stuck out in a storm and needed shelter, and he saw a house with a fire inside and started walking towards it. My friend turned to me and said in a very sad and serious tone, "You know, since I'm a vegan, if that penguin came to my door I would give him shelter, but if a normal person answered the door they would think: 'Food!!'". These are just a few examples.

Why must vegans do this? Do they actually think they're converting people to veganism when they act like snobs? All people are thinking when you act so upperclass is, "Wow, if that's how vegans act, I'm glad I'm not one!|||Because the mass judges, voices those judgements, ask questions they don't really want to hear an answer to, can't realize that a vegan has found something that they believe is right and just to work toward or do their part in... and what do they get from fellow human beings... "relax hippie." It's not nearly as much snob or smug as you think it is... It has more to do with knowing the long drawn out debate they must enter into each and every time they open their mouth and utter the words, "I'm a vegan." Given that there are exceptions to every rule... there are those who could care less and those I admire the most... and there are those who really ARE smug, but were smug before being vegan... and finaly the self glorifying... But what ever the reason... most aren't smug. Everything is a defense and a explaination to people who are just going to point out that they have canines. So the only two options are to use caution with what you say or carry around a chalkboard and stool to have class everytime they meet someone who knows better for them than they do... because a lot of meat eaters think that they know everything... and of course a vegan has never heard the word protein before... let alone looked it up.*sarcasm*|||Sorry, but I think its very narrow minded of you to judge all vegans based on your experience with one person. Most of us are totally laid back about it, don't concern ourselves with the eating habits of others, and don't preach what we practice. To make a statement like "why do vegans do this" is to generalize all of us. Open your mind, and realize that there are many reasons people become veggies. How would you feel if all vegans said that omnivores are tobacco spitting rednecks named Bubba? Its not fair to judge a whole group based on one persons actions-your friend sounds like a dim twit, and perhaps you might want to widen your circle of people you call friends. Her actions would bore me stiff.|||That girl would be driving me crazy.|||its more about knowing and believing that vegans are on the right side of the 'fence' which makes them act this way.|||That sounds really annoying. I've never been smug about my veganism, both because it turns people off, and more importantly because I don't really see it as being anything to be smug about. And I've known vegans who are insufferably smug and ones who have never been, not even when they started out, it just depends on the kind of person they were before becoming vegan. So I think it's a combination of your friend's personality and that she's new to it. It's probably (hopefully!) something she'll grow out of.|||I'm not a vegan- or even a vegetarian (although I totally admire them) and all the veggies I know are really cool people. And what's wrong with PETA? Your friend sounds like she's going through a phase and her vegetarianism probably won't last- I don't think she's doing it for the right reasons. And it sounds like she doesn't know that much about it either.|||I'm sure most vegans aren't like your friend, but she is wrong about non vegans seeing the penguin as food. Some might but I certainly wouldn't and I'd give that penguin shelter as well.|||You're gonna judge a whole group of people from the actions of one person?|||dude, not all vegans are the same. your friend is the exception. oh and not all of us support peta, either.|||Does your friend have low self-esteem? It sounds like she's looking for someone to validate her veganism, and is using it to feel better about herself, and subtly putting others down.

Not all vegans do this, you will find many that don't have to bring it up every moment. You'll also find that there are many with low self-esteem who try to mask it by trying to feel superior with something different about themselves.|||The vegans I know don't act that way-I think your friend has strange issues. Who eats penguins?|||Some vegans do go through stages. It's human nature. Every group does it.
But she's not just a vegan...she sounds like a kid(am I right??) which case she WILL grow out of it. :)

Your right - that doesn't work.

And she's right that alot of ppl just see food - only because they're conditioned to by the meat industry.

The answers here from us vegans sure show a wide range of stages!!|||You have a lot of nerve. You have one friend that is obviously young and not quite grown up (you sound very young and immature as well) and you come in here and lump ALL vegans together because of your one friend. That's the same as saying ALL 15 year olds are little snot noses that think they know everything.|||Your question and last paragraph seem pretty smug also.
Perhaps it is a cultural thing among your group of friends.

I have never been called smug. I enjoy the company of others in all situations.

And when I ate meat, I never once looked at a penguin and though "food."

If your friend pushes you away, no great loss.|||First of all, you can't judge an entire group of people based on your experience with one person. Your friend seems somewhat immature and self righteous. I've encountered immature, self righteous meat eaters. Does that make it fair for me to assume that all meat eaters are like this?

I'm not sure if this is the case, but it sounds like your friend is relatively young. If this is true, it's possible that she's making such a big deal out of things to attract attention. Again, this is a situation you see frequently with meat eaters as well.

I'm having trouble seeing why her joining Peta2 constitutes smugness. Simply showing support for an organization is pretty passive.

As for the leather issue, it sounds like she could be excessively vocal about her disgust, and that could be another situation where she's seeking attention. However, I sympathize with her sentiments. Think of it this way: Vegetarians would be uncomfortable around meat because it's dead flesh. Similarly, vegans are disturbed by leather because it's the same thing: dead flesh.

Please base your assumptions on reliable evidence. Veganism is based on an ethical choice. What your friend shows is an undesirable personality trait seen in omnivores and herbivores alike. The two are completely independent of one another.|||Are you an omnivore? Do all omnivores, since you did, stereotype people? I think I will go rant about it.

WAIT a minute, I have better things to do! If you wonder how many omnivores come on the veg & vegan section just to troll around in a smug manner, check out the helpful, accurate, and pertinent answers to common nutritional questions and how many thumbs downs the omnivores give. Why they do this? I don't know, don't really care. Just take note and look around you.|||I don't know why your friend acted so sanctimonious about her diet choice, perhaps it's her personality to look down on others. As for vegans as a whole, I've not met anyone like her and don't act that way myself.
I never talk about what or why I eat or moan to meat eaters around me when they down a hotdog, nor do I bang on about how many animals are suffering at our hands (or mouths). BUT, meat eaters are relentless in waving meat in my face (why I avoid barbecues now), demanding 'WHY?' all the time and going on about how I don't get enough protein. As if they've ever given nutrients a thought in their life.
Most vegans are peaceful, compassionate beings who like to eat as they wish and not be bullied into arguments.|||Vegans are merely vegetarians with their brains knocked out. They are mostly nutters, obnoxious, OCD, odious, and any other O you can think of. Avoid them like the plague. They are just plain silly.|||I think it's terminal (or until they come to their senses and have a nice juicy burger). I don't understand vegetarianism. I heard a great bit once about how vegans and vegetarians all suffer from "Meat" envy anyway, and here's what I mean: Go into any supermarket, look at the "vegetarian" section. You see "veggie burgers" and "imitation bacon" and other simulated meat products. Do you see meat eaters getting "imitation tomatoes" or "simulated carrots"?

I'm with Anthony Bourdain: If it's slower and stupider than me and tastes good, it's on the menu.|||I cant decide if smugness makes some one become vegan or becoming vegan makes some one smug.........kind of like what came first the chicken or the egg|||All of these people who are saying that vegans aren't all smug are out of their minds. Maybe a few of them aren't, but most of them are. Maybe its because they feel really healthy and want to spread their secret. It's the same thing with Christianity. You feel good, and see someone else who doesn't feel as great and you think your way is the only way to be happy and healthy so you tell others about it.


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