Thursday, February 9, 2012

I've been vegetarian for about 5 years now, and I've recently decided to try going vegan.

I genuinely no longer want to consume animal products and I'm genuinely grossed out by them, but I can't help feeling that it's just another way for me to obsessed about my diet.

I'm a serial yo-yo dieter, but I've decided to never go on another diet and just eat properly.

What do you think? Is veganism just another food obsession opportunity?|||That depends on how you use it. You seem aware of the possibility so be just as observant of your behavior.

Veganism is a choice. We are omnivorous creatures which suggests to me that we are capable of making dietary choices, and have shown in extreme cases that we can survive on anything.

Since you are concerned about your diet, try to avoid putting too much attention toward the "results" whatever they may be. Although we are capable of overdoing it you don't seem obsessed in the clinical sense.|||I think its a form of social commitment and self discipline. I admire people who can do it as I cant seem to manage it.....|||no not at all. i consider 'veganism' as a choice in what and how someone prefers to eat, that's all.|||No I don't think so at all, because if you are following a proper balanced diet that just happens to be a vegan diet then there is no disorder there at all. The yo yo dieting part is the disorder, not what you eat when you do that. Good luck with the plan and yeah I wish I could have that discipline, too many things are just too yummy for me to resist.|||I don't know whether it is an eating disorder, but I'm non-veggie, but I have tried being veggie for 1 year.
It was ok, however I thought about it and really the bottom line is that as humans, we have evolved as carnivores.
Our dna and genetic makeup means that we operate the best as carnivores, and so now my opinion is that being veggie can't be that good for you, considering our bodies are designed to process and make best use of all foods.
I yo-yo diet as well, but during the non-diet periods, I generally just eat healthy and you don't put on weight.

Food fads is merely a product of media attention and manipulation.
Just my opinion.|||Trading binge dieting for proper eating is a good idea. Veganism is only a disorder if it causes you to be unhealthy. Eating properly as a vegan is pretty tricky, but it can be done if you are smart and do your homework on it. Proper nutrition by itself is a complicated subject with many 'gray' areas. I don't think that paying attention to what you eat is a (bad) obsession. Its a good idea to eat as well as you can.|||A good decision..way to go ....& eat more organic food when u can....I'm vegan now for ten years colds or flue's & ton's more energy sence i change over !!!!!!|||just be like the rest of us and grap a burger!|||Well I think most veggies I have talked to would want to strangle me if I said that.


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