Thursday, February 9, 2012

I decided to go vegan 6 days ago and I feel that I've been much more emotional then usual... (and no I'm not PMS-ing).
Just to add, I'm eating what is recommended...|||It's detox- both my husband and I went through it when we became vegan.|||I'm definitely a meat-eater, but I'd imagine that any major change you make in your daily diet would impact you emotionally. Just be sure that the feelings improve soon, or see your doctor.|||Yes! I am not vegan but did try it...I know that I did read several articles on some people feeling worse before they felt their health significantly improve. This is because your body is basically going through a detox from all the junk you formally were eating and I know they recommend you drink a large amount of water so that the toxins have a less noticeable effect as they exit your body. Water and plenty of rest. Exercise will help you too. Anything to get fresh new oxygen throughout your systems! Good luck with veganism, it's probably going to be a good thing in terms of your long term health. If you are feeling a little yucky then you are experiencing temporary side effects. Just hang in!|||I don't know about emotional, but I felt very strange for a week or two after I stopped consuming dairy products. I learned that milk produces opioid peptides called casomorphins when digested. I'm not kidding. Opioid peptides play a role in your brain, with regard to emotions. Maybe this is part of what you're experiencing. After about two weeks, my eyes also cleared up, and I wasn't getting that phlegmy feeling laying in bed that I used to get before I went vegan.

An adult human does not need to drink their mother's breast milk, or the baby milk of any other species. That was never more clear than it was after I changed to a vegan diet.


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