Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm a vegan. Just curious.

I plan on countering them on my blog, for other vegans to be able to view and go to.|||I haven't heard many "good" ones, haha. But some I've heard, regardless, are:

* Need the nutrients from meat/dairy/eggs.

* Meat tastes good.

* Vegetarianism/veganism is too hard.

* Vegetarian/vegan diets are boring and gross.

* Plants are living things, too.

* Fish aren't really animals.

* Animals eat animals.

* God put animals here for us to eat.

* Population control.

* Humans are natural omnivores.

* One person doesn't make a difference.

* We have laws against animal mistreatment and it doesn't happen.

* Eating meat actually helps the environment, because we're eating the animals that make the emissions.

* Global warming isn't real; the environment is fine.

* Being a veg*n makes you weak/wimpy.

So there you go. Good luck with your blog. By the way, could you link us to it? It'd be rather interesting ^^|||I know you care and I'm sorry to offend you or anyone else. I'm just so sick of listening to my friends arguing about this acting all smug and superior, both vegan and omnivore.

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|||It is very rare to get a logical argument against veganism but there is one which talks about the small animals that get killed in combines and such when harvesting crops.

Obviously, veganism is the path of least harm because more crops are fed to livestock than to humans, but still this argument is not good because it makes us look a bit hypocritical, although I always maintain that veganism is not absolute and that it's unfortunate that some small animals die to harvest crops, but we are not willfully subjecting them to violence or confinement. Maybe you have a better answer than I do.|||I'm a total supporter of veganism. I'm a vegetarian myself, but theres a few reasons why I could never become a vegan:

-It can be unhealthy, unless you really really watch your diet at get proper nutrients
-It's more work to get all the proper nutrients without using animal products
-You are very limited in what you eat, especially when eating in restaurants or while being a guest at someone's house
-You cannot enjoy the same foods that vegetarians or people with meat in their diet get to eat

Thats about it (:
But good job on being vegan, your doing great things for the world! =]|||1. You can't get all the complex minerals & vitamins you need.
2. Vegan food is boring and comprises of nut cutlets and soya.
3. Increased soya intake has been linked to increased chances of Altzimers.
4. Vegetarians have less chances of getting cancer but as an increased chance of getting some specific cancers compared to carnivores.

But as a carnivore who finds themselves eating less meat, I'd like to see a good vegan/vegetarian website that doesn't take such a 'us and them' attitude.

With recent news that the levels of methane in earths atmosphere going up, and with methane being 60 times better than CO2 for causing global warming, we need to get the message out that we all need to eat less meat as livestock contributes hugely to methane levels.

One of the food's that have replaced some of the meat in my diet are vegetarian burgers, I've found they taste rather nice and they're a lot cleaner to cook, any new vegan/vegetarian website that can show viewpoint's other than 'Meat is Murder' is probably going to be successful in reducing the amount of meat consumed.|||There's always the God argument that comes into play, about how HE put them here for us to eat.
Most people say things to do with Protein, B12 and Iron.

Thing is normally when I tell people I'm a vegetarian, most of the people don't really care, it's the more uneducated ones that say things, so most arguments are going to be a bit stupid and all counter-able|||I haven't heard any good ones.

You eat what you eat, I'll eat what I eat. Nothing more, nothing less.

I don't think what you eat should be a matter to argue over.

*I eat meats and veggies. I have friends who are very strict vegans and others who only cut out red meats...(don't remember what they call that one)...They don't cut me down and I don't cut them down. We eat together happily and don't condemn one another for choices made.*|||Picture cows running wild as deer, breeding in the wild and lumbering onto our freeways. 'Like a cow caught in the headlights' just doesn't seem to have the same impact. However, hitting a cow vs a deer would have a different impact, alright. Would they have a cow hunting season to thin the herds, you suppose?
And OMGosh! The Pigs! Those thangs can git mighty hefty - and mean-tempered. They'd all end up inside every store & building that has an automatic door! Can't have that, so gotta eat 'em. (Although I don't eat a lot of meat, I contribute to your safety a bit.)|||I have yet to hear any.

Nothing that addresses the fact that:

Eating blood, pus, sh*t, and steroids is disgusting.
Factory farming contributes more green house gases to the atmosphere than ALL CARS EVERYWHERE COMBINED.
Those who adopt a plant-based diet live longer.
Those who go vegan are boycotting horrific cruelty.|||I agree, I never hear anything Intelligent....but, this is the most common I receive:
God wants us eat them (or something about god or the bible)
What do you eat? Just lettuce all day?
You can't get any protein without meat
If we didn't eat animals they would overrun the streets and we wouldn't be able to drive, walk, whatever (I get that one alot....seriously the most ignorant thing I've ever heard)
I grew up eating meat (I hate this they think we were all born vegan?)
Our teeth are made for eating meat. All animals that have teeth like ours eat meat. So we should be able to eat meat.
The process of evolution has placed humans, the stronger, in a position to be able to use the weaker (non-human animals) for our eating and other pleasures. Other animals besides us eat meat (i.e., other animals) 鈥?are they immoral? E.g., if the lion eats the zebra, that isn鈥檛 morally wrong. So it鈥檚 a natural instinct we have to eat meat.
Humans are more intelligent and more rational than non-humans. These characteristics give us the right or opportunity to be able to use non-humans for food.
What鈥檚 the difference between killing plants and killing animals?
.....then there's this guy! who says "If meat is murder, then green is mean." (WTF?) He has a blog or something....please email him your hatemail to: Zachariah Tomazin
If a cow would eat me....(just wow)
My dad Hunts
My parents will think it's stupid.
I hate Animals.
A cows utter will explode if left unmilked
vegans show no compassion to plants
Animal rights is just another religion
Early Ayurveda teaches omnivorism
The archaeological evidence for humans as omnivores is massive
......I'm sure I could keep on....but...I'll shut up.|||Me: "Why is it that the lion can chase down and eat the live deer but the human can't eat the dead chicken?"
Vegetarian: "Because as the more intelligent life form, we know better than to be so barbaric."
Me: "So what your saying is...humans know better than nature?"
...granted my last response came days later when the debate had long subsided but hopefully it's still valid and useful here.

Side note:-
I can understand why dairy would be left out of one's diet; it turns out humans are the only animals to consume milk after a young age and the only animal to consume the milk of another animal.|||I have no argument against vegan-ism. I think its every ones right to eat what they want. I just wish all the vegans that say im a murderer and that Im no better than a man that has killed a child just because I eat meat would think the same as I do.|||Haven't heard any real good arguments against the actual practice,just the motivation behind it.Mainly the ones who would rejoice at humanities death,I will expose them here.Sorry animals are not the same as people.|||Beer....potatoes....and a bloody steak on my grill...... Nothing more needs to be said... yum.|||I can't think of any valid reason to argue against a person's dietary choice.

It would be nice if vegetarians would show the same consideration to non-vegetarians.|||..ive never heard a good argument against veganism..and i never will
but dont worry your going to get plenty of omnivores who will tell you why we are stupid ..they will give you some arguments..|||The best arguments I've heard are pretty feeble. Basically "Meat tastes good" which is a lie. We cook it to hide the taste|||The best arguement is "I like meat". That's as good as it gets.|||god put them there to eat,to many animals if we didnt, there good|||Soya milk tastes awful in tea?|||who cares?


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