Thursday, February 9, 2012

I am currently a vegetarian but I would really like to become a vegan. How can I do this and still have a healthy diet? I do not want to get sick from a lack of nutrition. Everything today seems to have a dairy product in it so I don't see how I can become a vegan and still have enough variation in my food in order to stay healthy? I am especially interested in a replacement for milk.

Thanks|||Go to health food/natural grocery stores where they will have milk and cheese subsitutes, as well as meat substitutes (I rly like tofu bacon and tofu hotdogs). You could use the cheese for sandwiches.. add lots of vegetables.. my favorite is avocado.. make lots of salads. you could do stir fry for din/lunch.. always check the ingredients of products, though. A lot have eggs/ other sources of meat/dairy, so I would watch out for that.

But I would definitely visit places like Trader Joes, Sunflower Market, Fresh and Easy, Whole Foods to find those substitutes.. on the other hand they also have some meat substitutes at regular grocery stores like Walmart and Safeway, but a much larger variety at those others..|||you must be looking at processed foods, with a ton of ingredients, becasue wholefoods don't have that issue.
Canned soup, boxed cereal, packaged and frozen dinners ( hamburger helper, pizza pockets etc) are full of crappy ingredients, you'll have to look for better quality food in the first place- cook your own.

Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, black bean milk, walnut milk, mung bean milk- these are all very common in any Korean or Chinese supermarket, in fact you're spoilt for choice.
They also will have better tofu, more varieties of soy products, dried vegetables, seaweeds, noodles and a ton of other stuff.
I never buy processed foods usually, so I don't have that issue, think about NOT buying processed stuff, it's a lot cheaper.|||Begin with these great guides that will help you substitute your meat, dessert and vitamins with their vegan counterparts! Make sure you speak with a professional to make sure you are getting the right amount of nutrition. Hope these help :)

Vegan Dessert Substitutes:鈥?/a>
Meat Substitutes:鈥?/a>
Vegan Vitamin Substitutes:鈥?/a>|||Personally, I don't think you can be a healthy vegan, but I guess you can try. I'd say go to probably the two most reliable vegan health sites on the net:

They have some of the typical vegan propoganda, but for the most part these two registered vegan dieticians are upfront about the need to supplement your diet and the dangers if you don't.|||Make sure you supplement with B-12(not found in any plant food), vitamin D (most omnivorous foods are fortified with this, and Calcium(unless you are dedicated enough to have 4 servings of dark green leafy veg a day). I'm not sure what you already take as a vegetarian, since I went vegan all at once... Commercial American soy milk for me tastes horrible- I used to purchase Almond milk before I started making my own- has a lovely creamy texture and no aftertaste!|||I can recommend|||eat meat...


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