Monday, February 6, 2012

I am concerned about cult influence that my kids may be exposed to at public schools. I have heard horror stories about other vegans convincing kids to throw away their meat out of their lunch boxes. I work very hard to make sure my kids have lunch boxes that include good wholesome meats. I don't want my kids to get sick from not eating meat.|||Yeah, you should probably keep your kids locked in the house so they are never exposed to other cultures, religions, or philosophies.

I mean, why would you want to let them decide for themselves when you could choose their path and make them be the person you want them to be?

It is always better to feed children lies and misconceptions about people that do not think like you, that way they fail to adjust to society and refuse to live with an open mind.

Good job! Thanks for living up to everything we knew a meat-eater should be!|||make sure that you feed your kids meat at home and as a snack after shcool|||Tell them one day over dinner that some poeple have different views about eating meat. Tell them that it is OK if they decide that they don't want to eat meat for ethical reasons, but stress that it is important that you know if this is what they want to do so that they can get the nutrients they would normally get from meat from other places instead and if you're still worried make eggie lasagne with minced turkey.|||Well i think we should just hang those lily-livered vegans from the lampposts with a length of good meat sausages.

'Horror stories?' It's a fact of life that all kids throw away half their lunchbox contents as soon as their parent drops them off at the school gates. At least your childrens' vegan friends won't be chomping on bacon butties and so might at least limit the nutritional damage. Besides, can't you just cook meat for your kids at dinner when they get home (they surely don't need to eat meat twice a day)?|||'Wholesome' and 'meat' , classic example of an oxymoron!|||If you have kids, then frankly I'm scared for them. Who is going to protect them from the cult of the Rednecks?|||Oh my dear, if you consider veganism a cult you badly need to get some research done!!!
And just for the record (from a meat eater!) vegans can be very healthy and well nourished with the diet they eat.
What is wrong with your children discovering other ways of living/eating? They may grow up with a broader mind that you appear to have!|||I am so sorry to hear that you have been brainwashed, since you apparently believe that "veganism" is a cult and that meat should be eaten every day.
I really feel sorry for your children.|||I've never heard of that happening in a school. If it does, just switch schools|||My suggestion to you:
Eat lots and LOTS of steak and eggs (try them raw), cheeses, and wash it all down with milk. Hopefully, you will die from a nasty bout of botulism, colon cancer, or have a heart attack before you can spread your stupidity to your innocent children.|||Read first and then make statements about having meat at every meal. What a crock!
Some of the healthiest people in the world are vegans.and vegetarians.
You know what? We all die; some of us just take longer and are in less pain along the way.
Vegan is not a CULT. It is a legitimately healthy and morally strict way of eating--that's it.
There may be cultish behavior going on in your school, and fanatics come in all eating habits.
I bet Saddam Hussein is a meat-eater. I know Hitler was!
If you want to help your children be healthy, give them a multi-vitamin every day, and keep them out of high fat (meat)and high sugar foods. Encourage them to eat a wide variety of foods.
Anybody will tell you that fruits and veggies and grains are very healthy.Watch their portions.
There are certainly more poweful and dangerous cult-like influences in public school, and one is having illiterate and fear-mongering parents running for cover at anything they don't understand!|||i love that you consider veganism a cult, that is really entertaining. But you shouldn't worry too much most vegans I know don't really push their ideas that far. As long as your kids like meat they will continue to eat it.
And if you are really worried let them eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at lunch, or salad, or pasta, just give them their meat for dinner|||As I'm sure you know, your kids won't get sick from not eating meat.
If it's a genuine concern, take it up with the school and ask them to deal with the people who you think are unduly influencing your children.|||being vegan is not being part of a cult. it is simply one persons choice of diet. i have never heard such stories as meat being poisened.
where an earth do you live that has all this neg vegan activity going on?|||wow....seeing how the 'thumbs-down' flag has massively tilited this question into downfall, and 98% of everyone here who answered your question, concurs (that means, "agrees with") with our fellow veggie/vegan friends.

and i think this question has been answered to death in far better ways, so i think i don't even have to open my mouth. i am going to simply smile and nod at the victoriousness of those who are educated, compassionate, tolerant, accepting, moral, ethical, HEALTHY...|||The key to keeping your children safe from outside influences is a good
relationship with them. Treat them with kindness and respect and they
will listen to you. Part of the respect part is that you let them make decisions
for themselves once you have given your imput. They cannot follow you
blindly. They are individuals; they have their own ideas. Keep talking.
Keep caring. They are soaking up what you believe just by being with
you. If they decide that they want to be veggies I suggest you humour
them. In the long run children rarely stay opposed to parental influence
for very long, unless they are met with opposition. Play it cool. Number 1
rule of parenting. If you lose your cool you lose your credibility. Peace.|||Excuse me? I was not aware of it but I really appreciate you telling me that I am in a cult. I'm glad that someone knows my lifestyle more then I do.

You are one of the most sterotypical people ever.

"I don't want my kids to get sick from not eating meat."do some research and grow up. Vegetarians alot of the time are more healthy eatters then meat eatters.|||How you choose to feed your own children is none of my business. How others choose to feed theirs is none of yours.

Vegan cultism - don't be silly.

Where are you getting your incorrect nutrional information? Before you go around claiming things like meat is needed for a complete balanced diet, perhaps you should actually research the topic. Otherwise you look like an ill informed idiot. Oops, too late.|||YOUR NUTS TO CALL VEGANISM A CULT!
There is nothing wrong with veganism if it's done properly. I however am not a vegan but
I am a vegetarian. I have been much healther since not consuming any dead flesh. Meat is dead. If you eat something dead you make yourself someone dead. Don't fight your kids
read up on veganism.. make sure you have all the healthy alternative.. soya milk, soya cheese, soya beans. You might luck out and they get sick if soya stuff and go back to meat eating. However if they like soya stuff lots at least you helped them to do it rightly. Also it's a no no to go cold turkey from meat eating to vegetarian or vegan ways.. it should be done gradually.. cause the body has to adjust. The body is in manner like a vehicle.. if it's use to one kind of fuel and you suddenly change it there'll be problems! Food is Fuel for the body.
Your car or truck would have problems too if you suddenly changed it's fuel from what you normally use in it! You could change things there too but it should be done gradually.
All vegetarians and vegans should eat at least 2 fruits and 1 vegetable daily. The difference between vegans and vegetarians
is the vegans won't even drink dairy products
and won't eat eggs either.. In my opinion that's
a bit extremist cause no animal dies because of
consuming such items. Vegetarians.. most become vegetarian because they would never kill an animal so they feel they don't have the right to eat them. I agree with that thinking. Leave the meat eating to the animal killers! Although I'm a vegetarian and IF there was nothing around not even an edible plant and I was truly starving then I probably would eat
animal luckily that will never happen cause there's all kinds of edible plants in the bush.
Sure some aren't tasty.. example pine needle soup is edible but not good tasting! But if it was mixed with rosehips or wild strawberries
that be different! Meat eating is wasn't ment
for a regular diet. Meat is only ment for if one is
starving and there's nothing else to eat! I know Hunters disagree on this point. They are the ones that push the meat eating thing. If there's any cult to do with Food.. it's You Hunters and your meat eating!.. However in reality cults don't have anything to do with Vegetarianism or Meat eating! Unless you are thinking culture not occult!|||Kids don't need protection because it's not a cult.

You have ask a lot of questions in this forum. Why don't you put that time into research rather than wanting to get a rise out of people you know nothing about. I am a vegetarian because it is cruel to animals and I am perfectly healthy without it.|||Your kids don't need to eat meat (protein is high in over foods like prunes) it's cruel and unnecessary the vegans are right throw away your sandwich meat and save the animals.
some good vegan sites take a look....|||I don't think you can refer to vegans as a cult. They have a set of views about not eating meat or using any animal products.

You should educate your children on the benefits of what you consider a balanced diet and leave them to make up their own minds.

Given the state of public schools today, I would imagine that rabid vegans are the least of your worries!|||kids are going to be and do what they like all's we can do is teach them and pray they make the right decision.|||Skipping meat isn't going to make your kids sick. I would think you'd need to worry more about the guns, drugs, and sex going on in public school than if they throw their meat away.
Of course you could always keep your kids at home so they wouldn't be exposed to real life.|||Veagan cult? what the hell is that? you need to do more research before open your mouth so wide. theres no such thing.
so whats so wrong about becoming a Vegetarian? just because you aren't one doesn't mean your kids can't become one. your kids would benifit from eating less meat. heart desiase, high cholesterol, clogged arteries, excess body fat come from eating too much meat. kids need to eat more fruits and veggies anyway.
you might benfit as well eating less meat.

your kids will become sicker eating meat then not eating meat!|||stop buying les of mince and buy good cuts of meat|||I'm worried about the safety of your children too.

Although the reason I'm worried has little to do with diet.|||Your kids won't get sick from not eating meat. Talk to them about how much food costs and that they should not throw it away. Then ask them what kind of food they want. If they don't want meat, give them another protein source - nuts, fake meat, dairy, eggs, etc.

In addition, talk to them about what vegan and vegetarianism is so that they understand.|||gosh there is some real serious vegans on this site ..its scary me I'm normal change your kids school it sounds like its got a problem everyone has a choice if your kids want to be veggies that's OK if they don't that's OK vegans no that's no OK extreme have a word with the head teacher if you dare|||Don't you have anything better to do with your life than than sit around asking stupid and fatuous questions in this section? Do you actually know any vegans or vegetarians? I don't really think you have any serious points to make and are just asking ill-informed questions under a provocative name out of aggression.
Here's some fact's for you:
1. Not all veggies are evangelical about their life style choice.
2. It is possible to eat a balanced vegetarian diet with all the right nutrients.
3. It's not bad for your skin.
4. Veggies aren't weaklings. I could kick your butt any day of the week, pal.|||I am offended by both the question and the vegans answering it. I wouldnt refer to veganism as a cult, but it is not high in my list of values lists. I've seen animal rights protests in which I've seen people wear leather. some people are extreme and sure I do love to throw meat a peta people.


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