Thursday, February 9, 2012

Since veganism doesn't allow the use of animals for any purpose wouldn't that mean they couldn't use plastic. As plastic is derived from petroleum which comes from decayed plant and animal matter. Also, people on here who say they are vegans are you really vegan. A true vegan would not use a car as it contains glue which comes from animals. Do you use a car or products with glue.|||Vegans do what they can. It's pretty much impossible to be 100% vegan. But why criticize a life style that does good for the most part? People do what they can to live as cruelty free as life as possible and I think that's something that should be respected and not criticized.

Judging by all your questions, you seem to be very much against veganism, but why? How does veganism hurt the world? I've answered your other question and showed you how it helps, so I don't understand why you choose to hate that life style so much. For someone named "partiot," it doesn't seem very partiotic of you to be against something that in the end would help people for the better.

If you'd like to know how it would help people for the better, you can always browse through the question you posted last and reread my answer as well as some others.;鈥?/a>|||Glue is no longer made from animals. At least most isn't.

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|||Listen, there is only so much a person can do. It is generally accepted that people have to FUNCTION and go to work. We're doing more for the Earth and our health than most people, so back off! Why do you even CARE? Or do you just have to complain about something?

To be quite honest with you, if it wasn't necessary to use a car, I would not. But living in the middle of nowhere, it isn't really practical to walk to work. A vegan does as much as they can within the constraints of society!|||Vegans try to do as much as they can... Using your logic since veganism cannot be achieved 100% we should just not try at all.

So maybe when a child has cancer, doctors should not try to make them well since everyone just dies anyways. Or since there will always be racists we should just give in and start telling racist jokes and discrimate against people.

Vegans try to live their life the way they want to see the world become.. I don't understand how you can fault people who are only trying to make the world a better place.|||I've heard the petrol statement before.

The difference being that a vegan using petrol could not possibly have any impact on the animals lives as they died 200 million years ago.

As for car glue. I'm sure you are right, cars contain glue made from animals. This does not invalidate the general belief that vegans have.

Citing extremes of an arguement is often a sure sign that you have no logical aguement against it. Are you are this stage ?|||Vegans don't do it for you, egomaniac, keep that in mind. They aren't trying to prove anything. In a perfect world, those things wouldn't happen, but shallow, closed minded people like you are the ones who thought it was a good idea to use animals for the production of fuel.

Please don't come on here hating just because you know how terrible eating animals are and you are too weak minded to consider a lifestyle change and that pains you, or else you wouldn't give two squirts about vegans.|||They can't even eat animal crackers. :)


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