Friday, February 17, 2012

Or is she old news now?|||She saw the light.|||lol

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|||鈥淔or a year and a half, until about four months ago, I followed a strict vegan diet based on raw fruits and vegetables, no bread, sugar and coffee. But I had lost too much weight''-Megan Fox

Makes you wonder exactly what she was eating & why it was under the guise of veganism, seems more to me like she was doing this as a weight-loss fad diet than being a vegan. As i say time & time again just because you eat vegan based diets does not make you a vegan, no more than if i was to eat foods that adhered to halal (muslim) dietary laws would make me a muslim.|||She may have claimed to be vegan, but I doubt she was. The mistake most people make is thinking that veganism is just a fad, when it's really a lifestyle. If you truly claim to be vegan, you have to do research. To find out what foods have protein, omega 3 fatty acids, iron, B vitamins etc. Protein is in nuts, seeds, beans, milk alternatives, etc. Iron is in many seeds, nuts, and beans. Omega 3 is in flax seeds, and sunflower seeds. Vitamin B12 is in nutritional yeast, and foods that have B12 added to them such as cereals, Powerade, vegan protein bars etc. I doubt she did any research at. She probably just jumped right into it.|||Why would anyone listen to that twit? She also loved wearing a corset for that movie Jonas something or other, because it made her waist small. Yea...I actually enjoy breathing, kthanxbai.

Anyone who listens to whatever idiotic celebrities do deserve whatever happens to them.

And of course she quit, she wasn't a vegan to begin with.|||If I was to eat a raw vegan diet with no bread or sugar, I would probably start to look anorexic after a year too.

She was never a vegan, just another airhead celeb with an eating disorder, trying to pass it off as (and now blame it on) veganism.|||Oh dear, if an intellectual giant like Megan Fox decided veganism wasn't for her, perhaps I should as well! Good thing we have crusaders like you daisy, paid by the Weston A Price Foundation or whoever to show us the error of our ways.|||I have a better question...

Why are you so interested in what celebrities are up to? Is it to compensate for the life you don't have?|||Umm..she has no friends so apparently she only leaves her house for "chicken".

She is not a vegan she just loves her pet pig so she refuses to eat pork.|||I don't really know much about Megan Fox. If she was in fact a vegan for a while, then at least she tried it.|||Megan Fox a vegan? Ha.

She's been old news since before Transformers.|||Megan fox was paleo. She had a hard time keeping on the weight.|||So do I care?



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