Friday, February 3, 2012

I've been vegetarian for about 5 years now, and I've recently decided to try going vegan.

I genuinely no longer want to consume animal products and I'm genuinely grossed out by them, but I can't help feeling that it's just another way for me to obsessed about my diet.

I'm a serial yo-yo dieter, but I've decided to never go on another diet and just eat properly.

What do you think? Is veganism just another food obsession opportunity?|||Veganism in itself is certainly NOT an eating disorder. Despite what many people think, the vegan diet is not necessarily limited. In fact, going vegan opened up a whole new world of foods that I probably never would have tried otherwise, and I would say my diet is more varied than the average person who eats meat, milk, eggs, etc.

However, it is possible that an eating disorder (ED) could certainly manifest itself as veganism. Many people with an ED will use vegetarianism (in any form) as a way to cover up their ED. It's a good cover to not eat any calorie dense foods, and opt to only have salad. (Note that only having salad is NOT what a healthy, normal vegan eats on a regular basis. Sometimes we may opt for the salad at a restaurant if it is not very vegan friendly and there are no other options, but we're not usually ecstatic about it.)

*If* this decision is truly because you care about animals and don't want to contribute to their suffering and not an attempt to "diet", then I say go for it! If your focus is to just eat properly, as you have stated, then there is nothing wrong with going vegan. Be sure to research this decision to make yourself aware of what is and isn't vegan, and to make sure you get a varied diet. I have included the link to the ADA's position on vegetarian diets. I would also recommend that you read "Becoming Vegan" (link also included) which is a great resource on vegan nutrition.

It may also be helpful to see a vegan-friendly registered dietitian (ask your doctor for a referral). For dietitians in your area, see the link to the ADA website.|||no being vegan is not a form of an eating disorder...

it is a brave lifestyle choice....

i agree with you just eat properly......being vegan should help you lose weight more so than being vegetarian where you can still eat cheese and ice cream....|||no. congradulations.|||All i gots to say jus eat properly..Eat less, you need some kinda meat in you..or eat Fish you can try that...|||People think that veganism is a disorder because they feel most vegan are unhealthy from not getting enough since they dont eat meat, or any sort of animal products .(Eggs or dairy) Make sure you get lots B12 and protien, which is allot easier than it use to be.|||Some comedian said "show me a vegan baby, and I'll show you a dead baby, babies need milk."|||Not at all. They are many vegans who are overweight. As longas you make sure that you have a balanced diet then you should be fine. Look at this article if ou want nutritional information:鈥?/a>|||NO-WHY ARENT YOU FEELING WELL?-ITS JUST COMMON SENSE NOT TO EAT DEAD ANIMAL CARCASS-THAT WAS MOST LIKELY CRUELLY MURDERED IN AN UNSANITARY SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF DEATH AND SUFFERING...NOW PASS THE PORKCHOPS PLEASE?|||I think we start getting into trouble when we go to extremes. There is surely a middle ground....|||Veganism is strict, it's true. But it is the perfect diet for anyone with health issues. People don't realize that arthritis, allergies, any auto-immune disorder would be 100% better if they ate a vegan diet. Since it is so strict, I only eat vegan for short periods of time and then eat a wee bit of cheese. But honestly dairy and eggs is not really good for us, they just taste good!

But yes, ANYTHING can offer an obsessive opportunity to someone determined to make it so.|||No. Veganism is an entire lifestyle that includes diet as one part of it. How did practicing your ethical believes become an eating disorder all the sudden?|||it's not bad but u need to monitor what vitamins ur getting and what ur not.|||No. It is not. It is the perfect choice in an imperfect world.|||it's definitely not "normal" but i don't think that it is a disorder.|||Not if you're doing it for the right reasons. I know a lot of people, myself included, that don't eat meat just because they don't like the taste. None of us are starving to death or unhealthy because of it.
If there's any doubt about your eating habits, maybe you can consult a nutritionist who specializes in vegan diets, just to make sure it's balanced and healthy.


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