Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I read that question today on yahoo answers, and took serious offense. [I myself am a vegan.] So, vegans, are you a vegan for health reasons and or love of animals, or because you want to 'be skinny'?|||YOU

Kidding! I'ven ever heard veganism being a secret anorexic plot, that's sick if true. The person who wrote that question before you was obviously deprived from oxygen for too long in some point of his/her life.

hahaha I love you, now get on MSN|||Take a look in a vegan's eyes when she unexpectedly stumbles upon a rich, creamy vegan cupcake at the organic deli, or a batch of french fries shimmering with peanut oil. Then watch her face as she devours them and you have your answer!

A very, very small percentage of people use veganism to try to mask an eating disorder. It's rare, and it's also usually easy to figure out.|||It's just someone who is clueless. I wouldn't take offense.

It's twisted, but some people with eating disorders call themselves vegan or vegetarian so they don't need to answer questions about why they aren't eating when everyone else is. Maybe that's where the person who asked the question was coming from. Also, many people who have eating disorders have a twisted idea of what is healthy. They might honestly believe that they are being healthy by not eating enough. |||I'm not a full vegan but in mum's religion [Buddhism] we have what you call "vegan days" about twice a month. I choose to follow along with mum's thing.

I love it because sometimes meat is just gross. It's good to get away from that every now and then. Plus I really do love my veggies!

Have a lovely day! |||I am not a vegan, but I think people that chose to be a vegan, do it for a number of reasons, and one of them is not to be skinny. Most vegans are very healthy and a normal body size|||its not to be skinny. i would not be vegan and be skinny if i wanted to. |||No. Anorexia is. |||Ignore the trolls. Posts like this are just reaffirming that their offensive posts are working.|||ahaha no offecnce but you obvsly cant be to smart for this question, im sure some people vegan to be skinny some are because they simply want to be vegan for the animals. it all depends on the person


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