Friday, February 3, 2012

Ive gone a couple of times to the doctor and everytime he puts down veganism! and he says hes very worried about veganism,and i should be eating meat too. Ive seen a dietician before when i was only a vegetarian and he said theres nothing wrong with meat,eggs,dairy etc. Whys this?? I thought that veganism was so much healthier!!|||Many doctors are not necessarily very knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition. Most medical schools do not even require nutrition as part of their curriculum and there has been a study that most doctors' nutritional advice is "as good as that of your neighbors", since they just give their own opinions to their patients when it comes to nutrition. My sister is in medical school that is one of the very few schools that actually incorporate nutrition into their curriculum - however, she says it's not comprehensive at all. Many of these nutrition classes offered in select medical schools are often funded by the pharmaceutical and dairy industries.

Please read 'The China Study' by Dr. T. Colin Campbell. This book will have all of your answers plus more.鈥?/a> (article about The China Study)

For example, some doctors who actually did a lot of research on nutrition, gave good nutritional advice, and cured his patients through nutrition alone actually got fired because the hospitals were afraid they were going to lose business. It's hard to believe but true. Not all doctors are enlightened in nutrition and some are even dishonest. I've been to many doctors who were unable to cure my chronic illnesses with lots of pills and even recommended surgeries but I eventually cured myself through nutrition and lifestyle changes alone, by adopting a plant-based diet. I wouldn't have needed all those doctor visits if I had known earlier that simplest changes could make the most difference in my life!

For more nutritional advice, go to a knowledgeable dietitian and/or read 'Becoming Vegan'.|||Veganism isn't necessarily "so much healthier"; you can be healthy as a meat eater, a vegetarian, or a vegan. You just need to make sure your diet is well-planned and that you're getting all the vitamins/nutrients you need. The thing about doctors is, they generally know very little about nutrition. Usually they have to take maybe one class on nutrition in school... you or I could know more than most doctors do about nutrition if we just did a little research. So your doctor said you should eat meat probably for the same reasons anybody says you should eat meat (being uneducated about nutrition, believing meat industry propaganda, seeing meat on the "food pyramid" and thinking that must mean you need meat to be healthy, etc.) Your dietician said there's nothing wrong with meat/dairy because there isn't anything inherently wrong with meat/dairy (from a health standpoint). But there also isn't anything wrong with abstaining from meat/dairy.|||Doctors are required very little nutritional training in med school, that's why there are dieticians in hospitals, because the doctors do not know. Plus, although vegetarianism has always been around, it is starting to get more press now, so the chances are your doctor just never got to learn about it and was just pumped full of information about the food pyramind that has meat and dairy as a part of it. If you have any sort of deficiency, like iron, then your doctor is probably giving you the "simple solution" to eat meat again, but really, you can get those nutrients on a vegetarian diet too. But if you have no deficiencies in anything, then there is no basis for him putting down veganism besides the fact that he eats meat and doesn't like vegans.|||You need to find a doctor who is more educated in vegetarian/vegan diets. Unfortunately a general practitioner cannot possibly know everything; that's why there are specialists. I would look for a dietitian/nutritionist who is knowledgeable in vegetarian and vegan diets. When I was looking for a new doctor, I was worried about them giving me a hard time for being vegan (I've heard horror stories about that and I do live in a small town), but they were great about it.
As someone mentioned above, you should really read "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell so you can educate yourself.|||Your doctor is not a nutritionist it sounds like and does not know what he is talking about. Most doctors and even nutritionists don't really study nutrition really well and understand a veg. diet or see some idiots who eat pizza and junk food all the time and not the healthy normal people that are vegetarians and vegans and who avoid that crap. I would just make sure you are healthy and eating right and if not then you should get on that and if your doctor doesn't like your diet, he doesn't have to switch too it. If you are healthy then there are no worries, your doctor just isn't knowledgeable in this situation. My dad is a doctor and he is starting to eat a bit healthier but still eats a lot of junk "foods" that can easily be replaced by something slightly healthier but he refuses to do it.|||veganism is healthier in TODAYS world, because meats today contain alot of bad things, chemicals, hormones, preservatives, and other bad things you wouldnt want, doctors put veganism down because people need to get the brains before they get into things like that, going into veganism right away with out knowing anything about it other then "its healthy" will most likely get even more sick then they would then just eating meat because you can become nutritionally deprived and become anemic and so on

the truth is, if i could grow my own cows, fish, chickens and and pigs, i MIGHT eat them because humans are meant to be omnivores, but i also feel that i cant play god and take away a life just because im hungry, there are other alternatives, eating meat or not, both have pro's and cons|||Obviously, what you were deceptively made to believe, that being a vegan is healthier, is a crock of sh**.. It's not really "pros and cons". its propaganda vs the truth. Any diet, if not given to excess and done correctly, is /can be healthy and to single out veganism and even implying that it id somehow "superior" is just plain old fashion lying, unadulterated ignorance or both

You can be a healthy vegan but you have to work at it just like everyone should.|||Its an uneducated world friend.
Did you know that too much milk actually GIVES you brittle bones???

Doctors and nutritionists like you to have an omnivorous diet because it is easy, they can say eat fish or lean meat with potato's and steamed veg and a glass of milk et voile, you are healthy.

Its up to you as a veggie/ vegan to do your own nutritional homework and sort yourself out a balanced diet.

Trouble is alot of young people go vegan because of the bunnies then eat nothing by fries and soya milk because they "hate" vegetables and their mum won;t cook them anything.
Obviously this is not a balanced diet :P

A strict veggie needs to work out how much protein, carbs, vits and minerals and fats they need then find foods to make up that diet.

A good veggie diet will always be healthier than a MacDonald's or fired chicken for dinner most days :)|||That's because this stupid industry gets money of of non vegan stuff many times so they tell them to suggest certain pills (w/ meat **** or some animal stuff) or tell dietician to recommend animal products so they can make more money when in fact you're the healthy one and their not. They might even be jealous because they think selfishly like when people say "I'd love to be vegan but I'm not as strong as you."

But I've seen like 2 dieticians in Peru
& they were happy w/ me and recommended meals for me,
but that was when I was a pescatarian.
But I'm sure if I went back and told them I was now a vegan,
they'd be even happier.|||When it comes to something leike this, the dietician would know a lot more then the doctor.

Secondly, some doctors are a bit biast and just because they dont agree with your diet doesnt mean they should put their personal opinion in.

If your dietician says your fine then continue being a veg :)

also a lot of studies have shown that the veg diet is a lot more healthier and can increase life and decrease cancer and heart disease|||Most 'nutrition' studies are funded by the meat and livestock, dairy and egg industries.

Unfortunately most GPs and nutritionists don't think about the motivation behind these biased 'findings' and refer to them as scientific evidence.

I know my answer is going to be quite controversial and many won't believe me but that's your choice. I'm just telling you what I've been told by several experts in the medical field.

The most biggest and most comprehensive study into nutrition was done over many decades and is known as 'the China Study'... and guess what the findings were? Animal products are the leading cause of cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc.

Buy or borrow yourself a copy. It's a fantastic and enlightening read.|||I had a doctor like that too. Remember doctors are only human, and they don't know everything. But for every educated person against vegetarianism/veganism, there are probably 10 that accept it. If you have researched veganism a lot, which you probably have, you know more about it than your doctor, so you be the judge.|||don't listen to some doctors who dont know how to use google to do some researche on the nutritious facts about being a vegan

vegans can get protein from nuts and calciums from veges etc.

everything a healthy human being needs can be found in vegies, nuts, tofu, soy milk etc. (note that there are some soy milk or cereal produts with B12 added into them).

hope this helps|||Because vegans and vegetarians will find it harder to have a completely balanced diet, so vegans and vegetarians must take particular attention to ensure they're getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals. Health practitioners often disagree with these diets because of those risk factors of not having enough of particular minerals such as iron.|||Vegetarianism and Veganism is extremely healthy for you. However, if you are lacking in the area of nutrients and vitamins, it can be rather dangerous. Taking a multivitamin every morning will help with this. Hope I helped!|||Doctors are actual people too, they have opinions and are not omniscient and neutral. Veganism can lead to poor diet and malnutrition unless your diet is very well designed and structured to be balanced and nutritious.|||My doctor thinks it's great. So I guess it just depends on the doctor and their own views. Most doctors do not study much nutrition. So it's best to talk with a doctor who specializes in nutrition, or a dietitian.|||Medical doctors aren't required to study nutrition. Some doctors are arrogant jerks. Maybe you can find another doctor.|||Dr are trained in pills not in nutrition....

you eat healthy he is out of a job so of course he is going to tell you to keep eating meat and dairy so you stay sick and he stays employed..|||Veganism is healthier but people are just ignorant of it because they are too defensive about eating meant|||My doctor says it's fine for me to be vegetarian. I just need to get regular protine and iron tests and make sure I eat a wide variety of food.|||He has probably seen many malnourished vegans in his career.|||probably the doctors u are visiting love their meat. and want everybody to follow....|||The reason why he is worried is because there are lots vitamins and things that you can only get from dairy and meat products. A lot of vegetarians have problems with Iron deficiency's and Calcium deficiency's because they don't take extra care in there diet. If you are interested in becoming a vegan make a point to do research on fruits and nuts that you can eat to replace the things you are losing from dairy and meat products.

Some nuts and avocado's a great sources in calcium and mushrooms are a great source in Iron. As long as you do the research and take the time to do the diet properly you will be fine.

There is nothing wrong with dairy and meat products as long as you eat them in moderation. Like any food if you eat to much it takes a toll on your body. As you get older you are supposed to eat less meat because your body has trouble breaking it down and can cause bowl problems. Dairy is something that as a species we are only supposed to ingest when we are young so at a certain age out body stops producing the Emzyne that breaks down milk. That's why there is a lot of Lactose intolerate people out there.

The thing is as a species we haven't evolved to eat the things we do today but if you keep you diet balanced its fine. Eating meat or not you can keep yourself healthy.|||Humans are omnivourous. They need amino acids found in plants and animal products. Vegetarians and particularly vegans, have a hard time getting the amino acids that are common in eggs, and meat.

I suggest you find someone to talk with about such a diet who is both sympathetic and qualified to give nutrition advise.|||well my doctor fussed at me b/c when i tried to become "vegan" i ended up sick in the hospital.
some people can handle it better than others, as with any other diet.
being "vegan" isn't really about the diet, it's about animal cruelty.|||because there are important things crucial to a healthy diet found in things like meat and dairy

being healthy is having a well-rounded diet|||Because a lot of vegans present with severe nutritional deficiencies.|||nah dude veganism is because of supposed "animal cruelty" not to be healthy|||Pros and cons of everything, m'dear.


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