Monday, February 6, 2012

...Even if the person eats a lot of avacado, healthy oil, lots of nuts, and LOTS of beans. ...if they eat every meal of the day PLUS a few snacks through out the day... if they take some supplements to substitue for omega acids, calcium, etc. or do u think that it is just unhealthy. if you have any research to back up your response, it would be greatly appreciated. thank you.|||Nope. I think it's called being consistent, instead of being someone who says "i'm vegetarian because I'm against animal cruelty" while eating battery hen eggs and factory farmed dairy (and of course, in turn, supporting the veal industry.)

Dairy and eggs are not vegetables. The original meaning of vegetarian was a strictly vegetation diet. Dairy and eggs were added in later, much to the chagrin of the people who coined the term. Hence, "vegan" was created by taking the first 3 and last 2 letters of "vegetarian" since veganism should be the beginning and the end goals.|||I'm undecided about Veganism. I think that it's good and bad at the same time. According to being a Vegan is a positive thing. I agree with some of the health reasons, becuase of many classes I have taken (I am a college student, with a major in Biology). For instance, after the age of around seven or eight (depending on the person), humans naturally lose the enzyme required to digest lactaid (lactose). It is in our culture as human beings to consume milk past that age, so many of us retain lactose. Therefore, being able to digest milk.
I am a vegetarian myself, so I do believe in Animal rights. However, from a biological aspect, it is natural for human (as with any other omnivoire)to consume meat (muscle tissue of other "living" animals). Due to certain adaptations and technological advances (such as the stove), we do not need the use of an Appendix, which is thought to have bacteria that can digest raw meats, without getting the larger organism ill.
To answer your question about the supplements. Walnuts have Omega-3 in them. However, to much of them is bad for you, becuase there's also Omega-6 in it, which is a richer form of Omega-3. It is good for you, but in moderation. Same with everything in life. Calcium is in a lot of other foods to such as Broccili, Kale, Spinach, (believe it or not) Oranges, Tofu, peanuts, peas, blacjk beans, and baked beans.
It isn't as unheathly as you'd think, for many reasons. One, said vegan has accsess to all of the same nutrients that omnivoiruos huimans do. Yes, there's is less fatty acids in one's diet, but then again, this does help with the Obesity problem, assuming you are from a coutry with an obesity problem.
Hope that helps you!|||I see nothing wrong with it if they're taking proper precautions. I mean, it's their choice.|||The research has already been done. Veganism is the healthiest way to live. Check out the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.|||If you had any research to back up your question, I'd bother answering it.

Veganism done right is very healthy. I don't know where you get the idea that I have to eat lots of avocado, oil and nuts at every meal... or where you get the idea that I have to take calcium supplements... you're just misinformed about how veganism works.|||Are you talking about personality or lifestyle?
I am Vegan, I think people have taken it way to far & they are way to up tight about being Vegan, my opinion on other Vegans, I don't like em, they preach and get mad at everyone, make people feel like crap about themselves & that's totally not what it's all about, it's a personal life style choice that they've ruined for a lot of people! I have lived this way for the last 6 years of my life, I am a really healthy person, I have never taken supplements or anything like it! I mean I didn't exactly research this, but I am living proof I guess? I mean there are a lot of really unhealthy Vegan's out there, they don't know how to eat or what they're doing, which in return can really mess your health up.|||Since the American Dietetic Association endorses a vegan as a healthy choice as long as someone gets the proper nutrients; I see no reason to dispute that.鈥?/a>|||I don't think it's gone too far. My friend is a vegetarian and has been a vegetarian for as long as she can remember, and she's one of the leanest, healthiest, most energetic and active person I know. She knows what to eat, how to take care of her body, etc. But I do think it's kind of dangerous when you just jump into veganism (like I did, and kind of regret it). So I think it's healthy, as long as you know what you're doing.|||I'm not a vegetarian at all but it absolutely can be done, and without supplements. Vegans just need to pay attention to their diet and make sure that they're getting everything that they need.

Vegans who eat heavily processed garbage food and then proclaim that they're healthy just because they don't eat any animal products make me sick, but no more so than meat eaters who scarf down an entire pound of bacon and then preach about how protein is good for you.

There are healthy people who are vegans, and meateaters. They may have different views about what eating habits promote optimal health for them but both groups plan out their meals and actually THINK about what we put into our bodies.|||i know i have. the tree huggin hippies have yaked at me so much i gave up eating now i just shoot animals and leave them for the worms...oooppppssss gotta go i hear a coyote yeiping out back|||calcium:
Calcium, needed for strong bones, is found in dark green leafy vegetables, tofu made with calcium sulfate, calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, and many other foods commonly eaten by vegans. Although lower animal protein intake may reduce calcium losses, there is currently not enough evidence to suggest that vegans have lower calcium needs. Vegans should eat foods that are high in calcium and/or use a calcium supplement.

Omega acids:
Nuts, seeds and their oils are good sources of the omega 3 and 6 parent fats and hemp seed also contain some pre-converted GLA. They do not however contain the vital EPA and DHA. Fish with omega 3 fatty oil are able to make these fats from the algae they eat and so provide an excellent source to those who eat omega 3 fish oil. We can of course eat the algae ourselves and chlorella and spirulina provide valuable sources of these converted fats as well as a whole host of other nutrients. If you don鈥檛 eat algae then you need to rely on your body鈥檚 efficiency in converting the fats itself. There are many ways you can support this conversion .

Who needs supplements???|||So you think vegans only eat beans, nuts, and avacado's? Do your research, vegans eat much much more than that. Chances are vegans eat more variety than your average meat eating person who only eats frozen foods, fast foods, and other garbage.|||yeah, veganism is the farthest thing from unhealthy, unless you dont find ways to get the nutrients you need.|||Vegans are the best.|||Vegan is too extreme.|||I think veganism and vegetarianism are unfounded and foolish.

However, neither are UNHEALTHY. It is harder to get all of your nutrients if you are a vegan, but it is still possible. It is very healthy to be eating diets very rich in fruits and vegetables.

Humans have been eating animals since the beginning of time. We are meant to eat meat and should eat meat.|||Yes it is going too far. Man didn't get to the top of the food chain by eating only vegees. our tree swinging cousins went that route. To avoid eating the proper foods to get the nutrients your body needs is not a healthy route to go. However most people eat way too much meat. Fish is something that should not be cut out of the diet. It has too many beneficial nutrients. Seriously limiting the amount of meat is a much healthier way to live.


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